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Hi Markus, I was visiting my family in India last week. I took Green Form with me, it is absolutely delicious! The transport safety authority caused me some problems, it went through the Roentgenkammer twice. In total it was x-rayed 4 times because of my stopover in Hong Kong and India. Because I was unable to find 100% organic raw vegan products here, I took your drink with me and I love how much energy it gives me. He is literally enough for me all day long! My family is really surprised, I am now like the Duracell rabbit. Haha!

Arjun Ramesh

We love you Markus! We love the new product line. We feel it in all cells my friend. It is amazing and it reduces appetite. Are you sure this stuff is legal? We love you my friend!

Jon Lowell

I'm going to take green and protein now and I love it. I'm training for my 500 km run. Last week I went 7 hours and all day I only ate 1 scoop of greens, 2 scoops of protein, 100g cashew, 1 dl olive oil, 2 apples and a carrot, and yet I felt great. Without any sore muscles the next day. My wife has now started with your products and feels wonderful. Thank you my friend, you improved the world for us and gave me a new life.

Kjetill Moberg

I started with this (WildForce) product to get some wild herb factors into my body. and I never thought that the result would be so good! It has caused deep detoxification and regeneration and my brain function is healing ... Thanks Markus, you are currently one of the most inspiring people on the planet :)!


Hi Markus! I love, love, love your Wild Green form! Thank you so much!

Sheila Myotte

I am a Type 1 diabetic and have received two bottles of the new Wild Force Green form, and I have to say that after three days, I am impressed with my new energy despite my lack of sleep, but what more importantly to me is that my blood sugar doesn't increase like other green products in the past years. I am so thankful for your work and everything you tell us. I have enjoyed several of your books. You bring your followers to a level where no one else I have followed before. I wish you all the best for the start of the new formulas and look forward to taking everything consistently. With love and gratitude.


I love it!! It tastes really good! I can feel the energy in this drink! I feel a kind of intoxication in my body and it feels great! Wow, the stuff is great !! It must be the wild power in him because I feel it! I only took 1 TB because it was late in the day, but what will happen if I take 2 TB tomorrow! Wow! My body is still in a state of intoxication and it doesn't stop. I feel it all over my body (my hands, arms, back, legs, feet and even in my face and ears and nose and it feels really good! Hihihi! I can really feel the energy from this drink. I have a lot of green drinks tried by most people who sell the top brands in health food stores and health food stores but I've never had anything like this! Markus, did a fantastic job creating this vitality drink! He really had the right name, because it is so know it will help me get more energy too !! At the same time it also relaxes. You feel calmed but also energized! I love this feeling that it gives me! Wow ~ it is difficult to describe, you just have to try it! hope you can enjoy this amazing drink soon!


Hi Markus, I just received your Wild Force Green Formula, I love it! It tastes sooo good! Thanks for creating and selling. It is even better than I expected. All the best!

Annet vanB

OK! I KNOW YOU MARKUS, BUT I didn't know all the extra good things that are in your formula green! IF you told me that, I wouldn't have stayed a day without it! NOW, where I see all the breathtaking, great, incredibly amazingly healthy ingredients, I'm sure not to miss a day from now on! WHY didn't you tell me about it ?? !! It has helped me the days and months since I took it, but now we'll see how much more it can help me feel stronger and better with my muscular dystrophy! I will let you know! And for those who don't know, the stuff tastes great!

Angela Roberts

I bought your WildForce Green Formula because of my injuries after a car accident and was healed from my soft tissue pain after 3 weeks. I just got your protein formula and am planning to buy other products that you make. This car accident built up my energy and made me want to build a place of real healing somewhere with all the wisdom and application as in the film Sacred Science. I know exactly why I was born here at this time. Thank you for being such a great source of high vibrational energy and helping so many. I send you my heartfelt gratitude today. Heartsong Aviary

Irma Romano

I took your WildForce Greens and I love it. I have more energy and I'm not that hungry.

Suzan Howell

Markus I have received your Green Formula and it is by far the tastiest green drink I have ever had.

Kyle Lauatamus

Thanks a lot. I am so thankful for this product, everyone else and all of your videos. I love to look at them! You are such an inspiration in everything you do! I believe in nutrition just like you. I can't wait to try all of your products and I'm so glad that you have the bodybuilding products that will help me in my training and weight program.


I love your wild herbs and have lost 15 pounds since the beginning. It takes away my appetite and I have endless energy. Can't wait to try your new products!

Charlotte Garland

You are amazing Markus !! I order the green formula every month. I am not on a diet and still lose weight. That has never happened before. It is great! I have most of your books. You are such a great gift to this world. Thanks for your inspiration. All the best. XO

Aviva Eagle

Just received our Plant Protein & Wild Plant Greens. Tastes delicious in a smoothie! It is an incredible composition! RubberWilbur

Shannon Cox

Your green formula is awesome!

Bhawna Gera

I've been drinking the green formula for a week now, but I've noticed ... noticeable results on the first day, more energy, and the other is "frustrating": it gets you in the mood, I wasn't expecting that. I almost take it from you how badly it works now. Ha ha. Thanks for a great drink.

Thomson Shellie

I started drinking your green formula in water like wheat grass and have been holding it in my mouth for a long time before swallowing it. It is an excellent blend of so many important herbs that everyone needs for their health, and I drink them every day. I am usually so tired from working late on my art in the morning and it gives me so much energy. We all need the extra green vitamins and mineral boost in the morning, and I'm so thankful for your product! All of your products are fabulous and I recommend them to many. Thank you so much!

Shirley Werner

BOOMBEE B.V. is an independant reseller of Markus Rothkranz Products and is not connected to the Markus Rothkranz US Company.



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